Each of us deserves and has the capacity to live a healthy sexual life.

Speak with Jocelyn, a highly experienced sex therapist and relationship counsellor




Work one-on-one or as a couple to improve your relationship to sex and sexuality

Elevate sexual self-esteem

Tune into your body’s response and improve your sexual self-esteem.

Enhance intimacy

Identify and confidently express your sexual needs.

Embrace your body

Overcome discomfort and embrace your unique sexual body.

Jocelyn Klug

Clinically accredited sex therapist and relationship counsellor

Jocelyn Klug Sex Therapist Relationship Counsellor

“Sex and sexuality is not a resting place, it is a life work of discovering, discerning and becoming. It is an intrinsic part of us and key to our sense of wellbeing.”

Jocelyn’s Approach

Strengths-based sex-positive therapy and education that grows confidence and delight in your sexual body, sexuality and experience of sex.